Monday, November 21, 2011

....interesting weekend....

So last weekend....let's just say I had a few interesting, blond moments!! On Thursday me and my best friend Carly were just driving around when this song comes on the radio, and Carly freaks out and was like oh my gosh I love this song and the lyrics or something. So while the song was playing I was trying to figure out what the guy was singing and I couldn't understand a single word he was singing and was so took me the whole song to finally realize that it was in a different that was ONE of my blond moments!! Besides being blond, I am also very clumsy and have absolutely no balance what so ever!! On Friday me, Carly, and my other best friend Hailey decided to give this way super cute senior at our school some candy and a funny little poem thing. Carly was driving the car and parked next door and waited for me and Hailey to run back to the car for the get away, while me and Hailey as quiet as possible went and ran up to his door step. Well while we were running up I of course slipped onto the wet snow really really hard and pretty much peed my pants I was laughing so hard, but no worries Hailey was at least capable enough to deliver the candy. BTW-I now have a huge bruise on my butt and my knee....
Next was Saturday, I was over at Carly's house and I noticed that she had an eraser, the little ones you stick on pencils, on her took me about a half hour to finally figure out how to stick the eraser on my head and I must say...I felt pretty accomplished((: Today, on my way back to school from lunch...I almost got ran over, by my own friend!! Everyone was jumping into Carly's car and she thought everyone was in....she was wrong....and started backing up really fast and as soon as I realized that the car door that was open was about to hit me and knock me to the ground, I screamed bloody murder and luckily Carly stopped just in time!! I'm sure there were much much more blond, interesting moments, I just can't think of any at the moment. I find my moments really funny and entertaining, as well as my friend's moments, so I will try my best to keep posting them((:

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