Friday, January 27, 2012

Life in the Sexy Lane!

I love High School! To me, high school is all about having a good time and meeting as many people as you can in the process!!!  Carly, Hailey, and I have finally figured that out! Lately we have been trying to hang out with different people and different groups every weekend! It really makes high school so much more worth while!....Even though it might mean getting mooned three red lights in a row by some random boys while trying to belt out Taylor Swift at the top of your lungs! Let's just hope my memories of high school are a little better than that...Another week has past and I still feel like I don't have very much to write about! Someone needs to come along and inspire me please!...My true love perhaps......:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Dream Wedding((:

So, like any teenage girl...or any girl, I like to daydream about my wedding day.....A LOT! Ever since the day I can remember I have been in love with princesses and weddings and sparkly mix all those three together and I got me a sparkly princess wedding!! I already know what kind of dress I want, I know what kind of hairstyle I want, I know what wedding colors I want, I know when I want to get married, and I know where I want to get married((: .....the only important and major thing missing is my prince, aka- my husband. Hopefully I will find him soon though, but then again I am only 16 so I still have time to look for him((:
This is my dream wedding dress....I will of course put some sleeves on it, but that's the only adjustment. I would like the skirt to be a gathered skirt and ball gownish and I would like the top part of my dress to be fitted and SPARKLY!!
Imagine it blond!!

 On my wedding day I want my hair to be long, blond, and curly!! So if I could get my hair to look like either of these on my wedding day....I will be the happiest girl alive!

I want my wedding colors to be pink and gold....partly because pink is my favorite color and also because pink and gold look way pretty((: But don't worry I'll make sure there isn't too much pink, so it doesn't look way girly....I will have a pretty sweet wedding!!
Lastly I want to get married in the spring time right when the pretty flowers are blooming and when the sun's out and it's perfect temperature...not too cold and not too hot, just nice and warm((: I am most definately going to get married in a temple, but more specifically...the Salt Lake Temple!! It's my favorite temple cause it looks like a castle!! And for a girl like me who loves princesses and fairytales, what better place to get married?